I'm going to share how i survive High School.
High School life is one of the funniest year.
We can do what we want.
We can annoy who we want.
now let me show you how i survive high school.
FIRST, make friends even your classmates are very annoying
SECOND, be nice to everyone so that you have a supporter if you'll going to report something
THIRD, if you have a group report help them in designing the manila paper or cartolina so that if they will choose who will report you're save because you have contributed something.
FOURTH, learn to protect yourself from bullies
FIFTH, think before you speak
SIXTH, find a group that you'll fit in right away.
SEVENTH, don't date for a while because it can affect your studies
EIGHTH, respect your teachers
NINTH, have a to do list so you can handle your time properly
TENTH, listen to the advice of your mother or father
AND LAST, always pray.
Credit to the owner of the pic:) i copy it in google.